Sunday, 31 October 2010

Sunan Maulana Malik Ibrahim

Sunan Maulana Malik Ibrahim or Makdum Ibrahim As-Samarkandy (also known as Syeikh Maghribi or Sunan Gresik) was an Uzbek who arrived on Java island in 1404 and worked at Gresik and Leran until his death in 1419. He was also known as Kakek Bantal. He founded the first Islamic school or pesantren in Java. He was a brother of Maulana Ishak, who was the father of Sunan Giri and a scholar in Samudra Pasai near modern Aceh. Malik Ibrahim is generally considered the earliest of the Wali Sanga, nine mystics who propagated Islam on the island of Java.
Ibrahim and Ishak were both sons of a Persian Ulama called Maulana Jumadil Kubro who resided in Samarkhand. It is strongly believed that Maulana Jumadil Kubro was the tenth generation of Hussein bin Ali (grandson of Muhammad) through Ali al-Uraidhi ibn Ja'far al-Sadiq.
Maulana Malik Ibrahim lived for 13 years in Champa (approximately the southern half of what is now Vietnam) beginning in 1379 CE. He married a princess and had two sons Raden Rahmat Sunan Ampel and Sayid Ali Murtadha (aka Raden Santri).
After arriving on Java, he engaged in small business by opening a small shop selling sundries and treated sick people in the community. He taught people of new techniques in agriculture and accepted people of lower castes outcasted by Hinduism.
Maulana Malik Ibrahim was laid to rest in 1419 A.D in Gapura, Gresik, East Java.

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